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Equipment missing from the price list is not supplied. Ask for the selection of an analog.
Washing equipment is represented by dishwashers that are able to wash not only plates and glasses, but also large-sized kitchen utensils: trays or boilers. Such units are relevant for catering establishments (canteens, restaurants, cafes), where cleaning of large volumes of dishes is necessary, and the time of the working staff is limited.

Washing equipment is represented by the following types of units:

  • machines for washing boilers and trays;
  • dome dishwashers;
  • tunnel dishwashers;
  • front dishwashers;
  • glass washing machines.

Models: AK 901, AK 902, AK 924, AC800, AC990, AC800DD, AC990DD, AC800PSDD, ARC100, AF500, AF500DD, AF501DD, AF400, AF402, AF401, etc.


All APACH products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant APACH: pasta cookers, grills, stoves, dishwashers, combi steamers, convection ovens, deep fryers, coffee grinders, proofing cabinets, tables, blenders, mixers, food cooking boilers, juicers, ice makers, potato peelers, meat grinders, meat cutting saws, presses, slicers, dough mixers, minced meat mixers, sausage syringes, ice bins, cutters
  • Equipment for bars and coffee shops APACH
    Equipment for bars and coffee shops
    AIC, ABL, ACG, ACB, AMX, etc.
  • Washing equipment APACH
    Washing equipment
    AK, AC, ARC, AF, etc.
  • Specialized tables APACH
    Specialized tables
    LHC, SPM, SEC, LWB, LCW, etc.
  • Distribution equipment APACH
    Distribution equipment
    ABN, ABR, S02A, ABB, etc.
  • Sterilizers APACH
    AUV16 et al.
  • Thermal equipment APACH
    Thermal equipment
    AVT, FA, APGG, APKE, APPE, etc.
  • Vacuum apparatuses APACH
    Vacuum apparatuses
    AVM3/254/420/ 425F/660F, etc.
  • Refrigeration equipment APACH
    Refrigeration equipment
    AGB, AS, APZ, AFM, AVD, etc.
  • Electromechanical equipment APACH
    Electromechanical equipment
    AGR, APP, ACT, AHP, ATS, etc.
  • Accessories APACH
    41953, 70710, 41952, etc.


The APACH company (Italy) was founded in 2006 and today is one of the leading manufacturers of professional equipment for public catering enterprises with a wide range of products that meet modern requirements.
  • assortment

    To date, the APACH product range includes more than 250 models of refrigeration, heating and dishwashers for professional kitchens.
  • quality

    All equipment of the APACH trademark is produced only at Italian factories and undergoes mandatory strict quality control, including computer testing.
  • reliability

    In the production of products, AISI 304 stainless steel and carefully tested components are used to ensure reliable performance and durability of each model.

Information Board APACH

Learn more about our products APACH.
  • APACH price list марки APACH
    APACH price list
  • APACH Catalog на сайте APACH
    APACH Catalog


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